FESI welcomes EU Parliament’s vote on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive but calls for streamlined harmonised approach to implementation


Brussels, 24 April 2024

The Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI) warmly welcomes today’s decisive vote in the European Parliament on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). FESI commends the significant progress made in the final adopted text, which reflects positive advancements. However, FESI now urges streamlined implementation, aiming for maximum EU-wide harmonisation of due diligence rules, without excessive regulatory burdens on companies.

As part of our diverse membership, FESI boasts companies with extensive expertise in managing supply chain compliance. Engaged for several years in global multi-stakeholder platforms like ILO and OECD, these companies actively participate in initiatives aimed at enhancing supply chain conditions. As we move forward with this new EU legislation, alignment with established international standards is paramount to ensure legal certainty and foster a fair playing field for all stakeholders,” emphasised Jérôme Pero, FESI Secretary General.

The final text adopted today makes significant strides towards establishing an effective due diligence framework. By prioritising potential risks within value chains based on severity and likelihood, companies are empowered to tackle adverse impacts efficiently. FESI applauds the enhanced harmonisation in this process, a pivotal move in safeguarding EU market competitiveness and cohesion.

However, it is imperative that this Directive evolves beyond mere compliance to become a practical tool for advancing human rights and environmental protection. Implementation has to be harmonised and effective but should also at all costs avoid excessive regulatory burden for companies. FESI therefore stresses the need for alignment with international standards to ensure policy coherence and mitigate diverging expectations. Clear EU guidelines, developed in consultation with all stakeholders involved, are essential.

While today’s endorsement marks a critical milestone, FESI calls for coherence and workability in implementing the new EU due diligence requirements. As we stand at a transformative juncture, this will be critical in guiding companies towards responsible business conduct within global value chains.


About FESI: Founded in 1960 FESI, the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry, is the unique pre-competitive platform representing the interests of the sporting goods industry in Europe, advancing its members’ priorities and promoting initiatives that benefit the sector, EU citizens and the society as a whole. FESI represents the interests of approximately 1.800 sporting goods manufacturers (85% of the European market) through its National Sporting Goods Industry Federations and its directly affiliated member companies. 70-75% of FESI’s membership is made up of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. In total, the European Sporting Goods Industry employs over 700.000 EU citizens and has an annual turnover of some 81 billion euro.

Media contact: Ariane Gatti – FESI Communication & Policy Manager / [email protected] / +32 (0) 2 762 86 48

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