OHB Italia participated with Eng. Tharek Mothar , at the Clean Space Days from October 8th to 11th at ESTEC, an event dedicated to professionals and enthusiasts committed to the sustainability of space missions.
But what does OHB Italia bring to this topic?
OHB Italia is leading a consortium to develop the Grappling and Docking Interface (GDI) for ESA’s “In-Space Proof-of-Concept 1” (InSPoC-1) mission, aimed at enabling safer and more sustainable space operations.
So, what exactly is a GDI?
A Grappling and Docking Interface (GDI) is a system that securely connects two spacecraft, such as a satellite and a service vehicle. This interface enables a stable link between the vehicles to support material transfer, repairs, or in-orbit refueling and maintenance.
Think of it as a “grip” or “hook” that keeps the vehicles connected and precisely aligned, even under challenging conditions like speed variations or slight misalignments. Systems like this are critical for the future of in-orbit satellite and space station management, enabling efficient maintenance without returning vehicles to Earth.
Recently, OHB Italia completed Phase B1 of the GDI project, testing two interface prototypes to confirm their capture capabilities under different conditions. The flexible design allows for handling payloads of various sizes.
Tests conducted in a space-simulating facility proved the GDI’s reliability, even with misalignments and variable speeds. The data collected refined our simulation models, moving the project forward into Phase B2 with greater accuracy and availability.