18 November 2024 News

OHB Italia S.p.A. is proud to present the progress of the MWI: a strategic program developing a conically scanning microwave radiometer to accurately measure precipitation, cloud products, water vapor, temperature profiles, and surface imagery.

🔍 Program Key Highlights:

  • Strengthening European technological capabilities
  • Enhanced performance compared to previous instruments (e.g., SSMI, GMI)
  • Imaging and sounding across 18 channels, from 18 to 183 GHz, with dual polarization measurements up to 89 GHz
  • Three flight instruments for the MetOp-SG-B satellites.

Regarding the upcoming Milestones: the initial integration phase is complete and the project has now entered the final assembly stage. With a current progress rate of 70%, we are well on track to meet the planned delivery timeline of June 2025. The first flight mission (FM2) is scheduled to launch in 2026, marking a significant step forward in our journey.

📈 Achievements:

  • Overcoming technical and logistical challenges
  • Innovation and efficiency improvements
  • Successful completion of the qualification campaign.

This success is the result of cross-functional collaboration and international expertise from our team: very challenge was met with resilience and spirit of innovation with the aim of delivering excellence.

#SpaceExploration #Innovation #MicrowaveRadiometer #TeamExcellence #OHBItalia #MetOpSG #SatelliteTechnology#EuropeanSpace