December 10, 2024

Dr Isaac Jegede from Sefako Makghato Health Sciences University , ICGEB HDI CRP holder awarded in 2024, visted ICGEB Trieste last week to commence the collaboration on his CRP research, as part of the ICGEB Special HDI Programme.

This year, the ICGEB Special Programme with South African Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDIs), in partnership with the South African Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) awarded seven research grants, of which Dr Jegede’s is one.

Dr Jegede’s project is on the Impact of cART loaded DNA/Nanoparticle Conjugates on cardiovascular diseases risk factor profiles, working in collaboration with Dr Serena Zacchigna, Cardiovascular Biology Group in Trieste, Italy.

From 25 November to 5 December 2024, the visit focused on capacity building, collaborative activities and training, including learning how to assess vascular dysfunction using high-end microscopic techniques. Commenting on his visit, Dr Jegede explains, ‘We have explored various immunolabelling techniques for assessing endothelial permeability, using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. We also used the opportunity to discuss future research collaborative activities, grant applications, training, workshops and skills transfer, as well as the joint supervision of postgraduate students.’

It has been a highly rewarding experience. I thank the ICGEB for this opportunity and Sefako Makgatho University Management for their support – Dr Isaac Jegede

The ICGEB HDI Programme, now within its second year, focuses on the need to support capacity development and build synergies with HDIs. The goal remains to promote collaboration, train young scientists as well as the development of research facilities at the HDIs.