Through this eleven-year contract, Sabena technics will ensure all maintenance in operational condition (MCO) support of the fleet of Fennec helicopters operated by the French Air Force and the Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) Flight Test division.
The French MRO will carry out maintenance operations from its own site based in Marseille-Provence Airport but will also perform directly from the air base 115 in Orange-Caritat.
On a fleet of 40 helicopters belonging to the French Air Force and three to the DGA Flight Tests division, Sabena technics will perform:
- Complete supply chain management;
- Technical assistance and support services;
- Periodic and major maintenance checks;
- Continuing airworthiness management tasks.
Sabena technics’ teams, from the air base 115 in Orange-Caritat, will fully support five of the Air Force helicopters. A completely outsourced support until final implementation, directly for the benefit of the Helicopter Training Center.
“We are proud of the trust the ministry has placed in us. They can count on the technical expertise of our teams as well as their flexibility to guarantee maximum fleet availability.
Getting this new market confirms our desire to strengthen sustainably our position on the market of military helicopters . It constitutes a major step forward in the development strategy launched in 2020, highlighted by the successful integration of the company Sabena technics MRS in our group”.
says Gilles Foultier, Chief Operating Officer of Sabena technics.
© Photo- Jérémy Zabarte / Armée de l’Air / Défense
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