US citizens get importance of religious freedom: 2023 poll

Becket's Religious Freedom Index is the nation's only annual poll that tracks Americans' opinions on religious freedom.

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty has released its 2023 Religious Freedom Index, an annual measurement of the American public’s opinions of First Amendment rights. Last year, responses from US adults marked the highest overall score in the Index’s history. Furthermore, it indicated an upswing in the support for parental rights and trust in people of faith. 

Becket notes that the Religious Freedom Index is the nation’s only annual poll that tracks Americans’ opinions on religious freedom. The data that it accumulated showed a record high in US adults’ support of religious liberty for people of all faiths: 69 on a scale of 1 to 100. 

Over two-thirds (67%) of respondents expressed the belief that parents should be the primary educator of their children, and should be allowed to opt their children out of curriculums they believe are inappropriate or contrary to their faith.

Becket also inquired about support of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), a legislation concerning religious liberty that has stood for 30 years. The RFRA is a safeguard that prevents the federal government from burdening religious freedom unnecessarily. It was found that 88% of US adults support the RFRA, with some even suggesting that they would like to see legislation that promotes stronger standards of religious freedom. 

Mark Rienzi, president and CEO of Becket, commented on the report: 

“The American people sent a clear message in this year’s Index: parents don’t take a back seat to anyone when it comes to raising their children. Parents want schools to teach their children math and science, not force them to embrace controversial gender ideology.”

Rienzi added, “Despite some efforts to turn religion into a scapegoat for our nation’s problems, most Americans believe that religion — and religious freedom — are key to solving them”

See the full 2023 Religious Freedom Index at Becket.

J-P Mauro