In a world increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and respect for human rights, Técnicas Reunidas reaffirms its active commitment to these fundamental causes. The Company has established solid collaboration with renowned entities such as Global Compact, SERES Foundation and the Sustainability Excellence Club, to promote ethical and sustainable business practices globally.
Within the framework of the 20th Anniversary of the Global Compact, Técnicas Reunidas wants to reaffirm its commitment to this entity, of which it has been a signatory since 2011, and since then it has integrated the values and principles of this United Nations organization in all its operations, aligning itself with international standards and committing to respect them in all the countries where it provides its services. In addition to this commitment, TR has recently approved a Human Rights Policy, with the primary objective of promoting respect for the human rights of employees, the value chain, local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as the environmental protection.
The United Nations Global Compact sets out 10 principles that address key areas such as human rights, labour, the environment and anticorruption. Furthermore, and in order to achieve a sustainable future for all, 169 goals have been established that are included in 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Técnicas Reunidas is especially aligned with SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) and SDG 13 (climate action).
This system, aligned with the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs, reflects the firm commitment of Técnicas Reunidas to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable practices.
Técnicas Reunidas also continues to closely cooperate with leading entities in the field of sustainability, such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, Club of Excellence in Sustainability, SERES Foundation and ESG performance analysts of recognized prestige. These collaborations reflect the Company’s permanent commitment to continuous improvement and sustainable development and its commitment to the fundamental SDG 17 “Partnerships to achieve the objectives.”