Ultimate Guide to Publishing: Tips to maximize ad zone optimization


Have you ever wondered how to make more advertising inventory available? Are you looking for the best possible traffic monetization platform for website Publishers and the best ad network features to monetize your website? We are constantly helping you, our Publishers, to grow your business by working with you to monetize your traffic with our tips to maximize ad zone optimization, optimize your ad zones, stay Google compliant, give you business tips and ultimately improve your revenues and still ensure a great end user experience. We have put together 13 great problem solving solutions using ExoClick’s Publisher platform tools and features to improve your bottom line and how to keep your website industry compliant. if you ask, “How can I fully optimize my website with ExoClick?” read our Ultimate Guide to Publishing!

Table of Contents: best features to monetize your website

#1 Ad Refresh: How to make more advertising inventory available to monetize

First one of the tips to maximize ad zone optimization in this Ultimate Guide to Publishing: Ad Refresh is one of ExoClick’s features to monetize your website that allows Publishers to refresh ad content on various Banner ad zones, including Responsive Display Ads (or RDAs) and Multi Format Ads, on their website, in order to serve not one, but several ads per user, per session. So the more time an end user spends on a page section that has an ad zone, the more fresh ads they will get the chance to view. Here are the main benefits of using Ad Refresh, one of the best features to monetize your website:

  • You are making more of your inventory available to Advertisers buying viewable impressions through ExoClick.
  • Increase quality impressions and revenues per ad zone on your website.
  • You are optimizing end user time on the page showing them more than 1 ad per session.
  • You offer your end user a better user experience and reduce ad fatigue by avoiding showing them always the same ad.
  • This feature has been specially designed to be fully compliant with the IAB Standards. Here’s how to keep your website industry compliant!
  • Ad Refresh operates according to the Ad Best Practices recommended by Google’s viewability logic.

How it works: In order to refresh, an ad zone needs to be directly viewed by an end user in real-time, which promotes high viewability rates. As a Publisher you have full flexibility to choose the refresh frequency for ad zones. There are 4 time settings:

#1 30 secs: The ads will refresh every 30 seconds
#2 60 secs: The ads will refresh every 60 seconds
#3 90 secs: The ads will refresh every 90 seconds
#4 120 secs: The ads will refresh every 120 seconds

And here’s how to keep your website industry compliant: there is a limit of 10 rotations per user session, which means that you are not at risk of damaging your eCPMs because of a too constant ad rotation. Read this Publisher’s Case Study to find out what Ad Refresh can do for your ad zones!

#2 Ultimate Guide to Publishing: Our Async ad zone codes are packed with features

Have you made sure that your site codes are up-to-date and contain Async tags? Another of ExoClick’s features to monetize your website. If you run on unoptimized code it will affect your site performance and you will not be able to enable RDAs. Which are key to increase eCPMs and attract more Advertisers to your ad zones. Async tags are also important to keep your website industry compliant and improve the performance of your site and ad zones – And bear in mind that Google rankings of Publisher sites are heavily based on their performance! Also, your site’s code will affect the quality of your ad displays:

#1: Make sure that your ads display correctly: Async is one of the best features to monetize your website; Async enables your site to load independent HTML elements such as videos, forms, widgets, and ads. Making sure that your Async tags are updated is key to make sure that ads continue to display properly.
#2: Enable your site to load ads asynchronously: Async tags enable other content on your site to load while the ads are also loading, increasing performance when used on well-optimized sites, improving loading speed and user experience.
#3 Enable multiple ad zones with one single request: Gain the ability to use a single request to activate multiple ad zones on the same page with Async tags, also increasing efficiency, speed and performance of your ad zones.
#4 Keep it clean and compliant! How to keep your website industry compliant? Our async ad zone codes ensure that the ads you show load fast to help with improved Google rankings. Additionally, they ensure compliance with GDPR & CCPA. Interprets the consent of the end user and displays the ad aligned with IAB TCF 2.2 standards.

#3 How to increase eCPMs and ad revenue: New Responsive Display Ad formats for your ad zones!

More tips to maximize ad zone optimization; in addition to Banner ads, we now have introduced RDAs for Sticky Banners, Instant Message and Fullpage Interstitials. They are a great asset for Publishers and one of the best features to monetize your website because they open up more bidding opportunities for Advertisers, increasing demand of their ad zones:

  • Attract more Advertisers to bid on your ad zones and increase demand.
  • How to keep your website industry compliant? RDAs are aligned with the IAB industry Standards and Google.
  • A great end user experience, hence qualified clicks, therefore higher eCPMs.
  • Easy setup, because RDAs are set up by default on your ad zones. However you can toggle this off if you wish.

Case Study: Tips to maximize ad zone optimization

Desktop and Mobile
This Publisher updated his Async codes and enabled RDAs on his website’s Mobile and Desktop Banner zones and managed to visibly increase revenues and eCPMs:
Revenue increase: +16%
eCPMs increase: +13%

Check out our blog post for more information.

Direct Links are a powerful and highly flexible ad format. Think of it as a click that goes ‘directly’ to an Advertiser offer landing page. Direct Links are strategically placed ad zones of Menu Tabs and Back Button offers.

All our Menu Tabs are ad zones that are displayed in prime position within the menu section of your website. In the example below the Activity, Search and Chat tabs are tools to help an end user navigate the content of your website. The tab: Games and Dating are really Direct Link ad zones.

So you can monetize end user clicks on the Games and Dating tabs. Therefore it does not look like an ad to the end user and becomes a part of the user experience on your website. You can choose different verticals for Direct Link Menu tabs such as Dating, Live Streaming, Games, etc.

Tips for optimization using some of the best features to monetize your website:

  • Test different verticals to see Advertiser demand on your site and end user favorites.
  • Use images instead of texts for the Menus, e.g. use a heart emoji for the Dating tab, this makes the tab understandable in all languages.
  • Test out positioning of the Menu Tab to experiment with the sweet spot.

Check out our blog post for optimization tips and case studies for Menu Tabs on Desktop and Mobile using one of the best features to monetize your website.

#5 Smart data analysis with ExoClick’s Customizable Dashboards

Data analytics help Publishers better understand their traffic and maximize ad zone revenues. ExoClick’s platform gives you a customizable set of data analysis dashboards that will reveal fresh data insights that you might have missed with ad networks that do not provide these tools. You can have several dashboards with different widget types:

  • Table Setting: Metrics and numbers in a table within rows and columns.
  • Line Chart: Data points connected by straight lines to showcase the evolution of important segments.
  • Bar chart: The evolution of your data is represented by height or length rectangular bars.
  • Combo Chart: A combination of a ‘Line’ and ‘Bar Chart’, allowing you to compare two metrics simultaneously.
  • Pie Chart: This chart is useful to get a quick overview of your segment distribution.

You can change the time period of the data shown in the widgets and there are additional filter options:

  • Ad Block
  • Browsers
  • Carriers
  • Categories
  • Countries
  • Device Types
  • Devices
  • Languages
  • Operating Systems
  • Regions
  • Sites
  • Sub IDs
  • VR
  • Zone Types
  • Zones

You can create multiple dashboards, and each single one can have a maximum limit of 12 widgets. Drag and drop a widget and the dashboard automatically adjusts. Check out this blog post about ExoClick’s traffic monetization platform for website Publishers for more tips to maximize ad zone optimization and to see how you can harness the power of ExoClick’s Customizable Dashboards, one of the best features to monetize your website.

#6 Monetize Adblock traffic and boost your revenues

ExoClick, Traffic monetization platform for website Publishers, offers two completely free Adblock monetization solutions for our Publisher clients:

In-line Popunder Code: Popunders can be stopped by ad blockers, but this single code, which is very easy to implement, ensures Popunders to be still shown to Adblock users.
Adblock Monetization Tool: Recover lost ad blocker traffic on Banners, Sticky Banner, Native and Instant Message. This solution’s script has been developed to be compatible with multiple ad blockers, all browsers, platforms and devices.

We recommend implementing both solutions simultaneously to increase eCPMs and ad revenue.

#7 Increase Advertiser demand with Keyword matching

Keywords allow you to help attract Advertisers to target your ad zones contextually in order to find ad zones that display similar content to the vertical of their offer, and attract more targeted end user clicks.

E.g if you have video content that shows a couple going on a date, add the keyword ‘Dating’ to the video ad zone to attract Advertisers with Dating offers to bid for your ad zone, creating more competition, increasing your eCPM values.

#8 Maximize revenues with Fullpage Interstitials and Popunders

Another one of great ExoClick’s features to monetize your website: Popunders can sometimes be blocked by Chrome. Optimize Popunder revenues with Frequency Capping, using Fullpage Interstitials (or FPIs) as an alternative, or using a Popunder and FPI combo to ensure all browsers can show you large format ads.

Tips to maximize ad zone optimization: Test Frequency Capping on Popunders

Experiment with Frequency Capping on how often a Popunder ad is shown to an end user and increase revenues while providing a great end user experience. Here is a case study carried out with 2 Publishers. Both were advised to change the Frequency Capping to 1 Popunder per hour to the end user:

Case study 1: Popunder Traffic monetization platform for website Publishers 

Desktop & Mo

Anna Quiroga