UBE Nylon: High-performing innovations for current challenges


We have prepared a new ebook that examines the role of polyamide, commonly known as nylon, in transforming the materials industry to meet current challenges. Thanks to its exceptional strength, flexibility, and durability, polyamide has gained traction in key industrial applications, such as food packaging and the automotive sector. Its ability to withstand extreme temperatures, resist wear and abrasion, and tolerate chemicals without losing its mechanical properties makes it an ideal choice in the pursuit of high-quality, environmentally low-impact solutions.

Beyond its physical properties, UBE nylon stands out for its contribution to the circular economy, a production model that prioritizes recycling and reusing materials to reduce reliance on virgin resources. UBE has optimized polyamide recycling, especially in flexible packaging, where its inclusion in multilayer structures significantly improves strength, durability, and barrier capacity against gases and moisture, crucial elements for product preservation. UBE’s studies demonstrate that recycled films maintain high mechanical strength and enhance barrier properties, allowing their reintroduction into the production chain.

The sustainability of nylon is further strengthened by European regulations, which encourage the use of recyclable materials and regulate their recycled content. Future trends point to innovations in polyamide formulations that increase recyclability and efficiency, improving processes to reduce environmental impact.

Thus, UBE nylon not only provides advanced performance for demanding industrial applications but also promotes cutting-edge by encouraging more responsible use of materials.

All of this information is explained in much greater detail in our ebook, which you can download by filling out the form. Take a look!
