Barcelona Experiencies — Sancal

Isern Serra, Fuego Camina Conmigo and RAW Color talk about their different collaborations with Sancal.

The offices of the communication agency Fuego Camina Conmigo, designed by Isern Serra, are also Sancal’s new showroom in Barcelona. A unique collaboration, defined by the good vibes between the three firms. Something really worth celebrating!

Last Thursday we brought together a large part of the local design community.  Luis Conde de Fuego, Isern Serra and Esther Castaño-López presented the space and explained how this collaboration came about in a spontaneous way.

These are changing times. Also for Sancal, whose evolution as a firm is not only determined by the change in its own vision of what design is, with a more iconic and versatile furniture collection, but also by its interest in finding new ways of working in the habitat and contract sector.

Luis explained the needs that shaped the project. After months of working from home, they wanted their new offices to be stimulating to their employees and motivate them to get out of the domestic environment. An inspiring and fluid interior design, which had to guarantee the relationship between people through the small open spots with sofas and armchairs for casual encounters, as well as private areas for team meetings. And, of course, to transmit the values of the company. Fuego Camina Conmigo is recognised with the international “Great Place To Work” certificate.

The people involved in the project, and their needs, was the common thread of Isern Serra’s presentation. His team’s task was to find the balance between Fuego and Sancal, between social and private spaces. The result is an open and interactive office, in which architecture and natural light are very present. It is also a very lively space due to its function as a showroom, as the furniture is renewed regularly to present Sancal’s new products.

To conclude, Sancal invited Christoph Brach from Raw Color to present Loop and Link, pieces that are already part of the Fuego space. This studio is characterised by giving shape to colour through the research of its nuances and applications. Their project with Sancal was a very close work during the development and prototyping process, as well as for the selection of textiles and colours. As a curiosity, the studio presented the first mock-ups using curlers.

What a better way to conclude than chatting with all our friends who wanted to share Experiences with us.

Celia Victoria