Henri Cartier-Bresson. Watch!, Watch!, Watch! - KBR Fundació Mapfre - Visit Barcelona


Henri Cartier-Bresson. Watch!, Watch!, Watch! - KBR Fundació MapfreWinter Art Season, Exhibitions
10/11/2024 - 01/26/2025

Fundación MAPFRE's Kbr Center in Barcelona is featuring an exhibition on Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004). Henri Cartier-Bresson. Watch! Watch! Watch! highlights the artist's influence on 20th century photography, covering his work as a photojournalist and portraitist. Through 240 original silver gelatin prints from Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson, viewers can contemplate images of key social, political and artistic events of his time, which also emphasize the political dimension of his work. Publications, a film and documentaries will also be shown. Founder of Magnum in 1947, Cartier-Bresson promoted creative freedom for photographers. His concept of the "decisive instant" involves capturing fleeting moments that reveal the essence of life.

Turisme de Barcelona