Announcement of the appointment of the member of the Evaluation Committee for the Procedure for Selection of the implementing body of the program of information and promotion of agricultural products in the internal market Regulation (EU) No. 1144/2014
With reference to the procedure for the selection of the implementing body of the programme for the information and promotion of agricultural products in the internal market – Regulation (EU) no. 1144/2014, the determination of the appointment of the Commissioners of the Evaluation Commission is published.
We also inform you that the evaluation committee, as provided for in the specifications, will meet on 23/04/2024 at 2.00 PM. in public session for the opening of PEC A relating to administrative documentation.
This session may be attended upon request to be sent by certified email by 1.00 PM. on 23/04/2024 by the legal representative of each of the participating agencies/economic operators, presenting an identification document or a deputy person with delegation document undersigned by the legal representative.