15 May 2024
Five years since its inception, Human Technopole is now a dynamic institute where researchers from around the world have laid the foundations for unravelling the fundamental mechanisms of life across multiple biological scales – molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations – in space and time.
Over the next few years Human Technopole will aim to consolidate the achieved results and continue pursuing its mission to improve human life and technology by focusing on four main objectives:
1) to foster fundamental cutting-edge research on human biology and human health;
2) to provide shared infrastructures, the National Facilities, to the national scientific community;
3) to offer advanced scientific training to scientists;
4) to enable the exploitation of research and technological innovation results via technology transfer.
The National Facilities in particular represent an important innovation promoted by our founding Ministries to support Italy’s scientific research through cutting edge technologies which, for the first time, will be made available to researchers throughout the country.