How to be a great team player -- Catholic style!

Mark Wahlberg shared with Aleteia his thoughts on what makes a good team member, and here are some ways it can be achieved.

Aleteia recently had an interview with Mark Wahlberg about his movie Arthur the King, which involved an adventure race team running hundreds of miles together with an injured dog.

This incredible feat led to a conversation about teamwork. And considering the father-of-four’s impressive acting career and many business ventures, he seems in a good position to talk about what it takes to be a good team member. Wahlberg boiled it down to these key points:

To rely on other people, to empower other people, and to allow people to excel and grow.”

His thoughts inspired us to consider the practical ways in which this can be achieved, and in a manner that is in keeping with Catholic values.

Embrace humility

Remember, even the holiest of saints started as humble servants. Leave your ego at the door and be willing to pitch in wherever needed, big or small. Whether it’s making coffee or tackling a big project, approach it with a cheerful attitude.

Forgive and forget

In Matthew 18: 21-22 Jesus taught us to forgive 70 times seven, so try to apply that to your teamwork too. Mistakes happen, conflicts arise, but forgiveness keeps the team spirit intact.

Seek unity in diversity

Just as the Body of Christ is made up of many parts, each with its own function, embrace the diversity within your team. Respect different perspectives and talents, and work together harmoniously towards a common goal.

Listen like a “wonder-worker”

St. Anthony of Padua was renowned not only for his profound preaching abilities but also for his attentiveness and compassion towards those who sought his counsel. He would patiently listen to people’s concerns, offering them spiritual guidance and comfort. His reputation as a listener earned him the title thaumaturgist, or “the wonder-worker.

Share your talents

Just as the apostles shared their gifts to spread the Good News, offer your skills and talents generously. Whether it’s your knack for organizing or your artistic flair, let it shine for the benefit of the team.

Encourage like an apostle

Remember how St. Paul wrote those uplifting letters? Be that source of encouragement for your teammates. A kind word or a pat on the back can go a long way in boosting morale.

Pray together, stay together

If you have colleagues who are happy to join you in prayer, then start your team endeavors with a quick prayer. It sets a positive tone and reminds everyone that you’re all working together under a higher guidance.

By embodying these principles, you’ll not only be a fantastic team player but also a shining example of Catholic values in action. Go forth and collaborate with grace!

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Cerith Gardiner