Why do sisters wear habits? These religious explain

Two members from the Sisters of Life sit down to answer the internet's top questions about life as a nun.

Two religious from the Sisters of Life have been busy answering the most popular questions asked about religious life on the internet in association with Ascension Press. One interesting query being why nuns and sisters wear habits.

And it’s a great question! After all, we’re used to seeing various members of religious orders in their habits, but it’s good to hear why these women of faith wear their familiar garments.

Sr. Mary Grace and Sr. Marie Veritas from the Sisters of Life happily answer the question. They explain that there are multiple reasons: from representing their vow of poverty, and most importantly — and joyously — it serves as their wedding dress. It is a constant reminder that they are married to God in their earthly life.

Further questions answered

The sisters also answer other questions people are intrigued to find answers to, which you can see in the video below.

It’s intriguing to see what regular people want to know about religious life: whether nuns have cellphones (it’s hard for us to imagine life without one!); how nuns get their names; if they can drive, among a myriad of other questions.

However, one question that Sr. Mary Grace answered so beautifully was the difference between a sister and a nun. It’s a very common confusion and a question many people don’t know the answer to. While we’ll let the sister shed light on the difference, hearing her describe nuns as the “heartbeat of the Church” really helps put things in perspective.

It’s really worth taking the time to look at the short video below and learning more about life as a religious. It’s also a good idea to share your findings with your older children. In fact you could ask them the questions and see what they think the answer might be.

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Cerith Gardiner