Hard on the heels of the India International Science Festival IISF, on 21 February 2024, ICGEB New Delhi hosted almost 300 students from India and Nepal.
From Kathmandu University, Nepal, a group of thirty 3rd year BSc Biotechnology students, together with two faculty members, visited the ICGEB New Delhi campus . The students learnt about the mandate of ICGEB, the ongoing research being carried out by various laboratories and other related activities. They were informed of various opportunities in India for Nepali students, who aspire to higher studies in the Life Sciences. They visited various research facilities of the centre and, during their visit to the labs, interacted with the students and researchers.
An additional group of seventy 3rd year students in B.Tech Computer Sciences, from the HMR Institute of Technology and Management, Guru Gobind Singh, Indraprastha University, Hamidpur, New Delhi, visited the ICGEB campus as part of their academic site visit. They were informed of the various research projects and topics being studied at ICGEB in the area of Bioinformatics, and attended presentations on the applications of computer science in the Life Sciences. This included discussions on career options in the field. Students also visited two major labs involved in Bioinformatics: the Transcription Regulation lab headed by Dr. Neel Bhavesh, and the Translational Bioinformatics lab headed by Dr Dinesh Gupta.
Third year B.Sc. Agriculture students visiting from the College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala Agricultural University, Thiruvanathpuram, numbered approximately one hundred and seventy, together with eight faculty members. The visitors attended presentations by the faculty and scientists of ICGEB New Delhi and engaged with the scientists and researchers. The students also visited some of the research facilities on the campus.