A delegation from the ICGEB RRC, established in 2020, visited the Biotechnology Development Unit (BDU) at ICGEB Headquarters in Trieste on 23 May 2024.
The BDU, headed by Group Leader Dr. Natasa Skoko, has been operating for more than 25 years, providing ICGEB Member States with resources and know-how to expand the availability and access to quality, life-saving biotherapies.
On this occasion, Dr. Skoko and her team presented the workings of the quality system in place, the facility design and the current technologies and training under development. Particular attention was dedicated to discussions on the upscaling of bioprocesses and purification scales from Research and Development (R&D) to pilot scale (pre-industrial) and the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) System.
The delegation from the China RRC, located in Taizhou Medical City, Jiangsu Province, included the Director, one of the Principal Investigators and support staff.
Dr. Dongping Bao, Group Leader working on the protein production facility, considered the visit a “great opportunity to learn more about the important biomanufacturing processes”, commenting, “where we, as researchers, can contribute, especially in dealing with industrial projects.” The team was impressed by the way the expertise of the BDU is transferred to reduce production costs, enhancement of product quality and yield.
The RRC is a hub for the biomedical industry, and it is hoped that Tech Transfer will consititute future collaborations.