Innovation and collaboration in biomedical research at the ISCII Platforms meeting


On 7 June, the Information Day for the ISCIII Platforms Supporting R&D&I in Biomedicine and Sciences took place, organised by IBEC in collaboration with Nanomed Spain. The event brought together professionals from the biomedical research sector to discuss the mission, vision and impact of the three ISCIII platforms.

On the 7th of June, the Information Day for the ISCIII Platforms Supporting R&D&I in Biomedicine and Sciences was held at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, organised by the Instituto de Bioengineering de Catalunya (IBEC) in collaboration with Nanomed Spain.

This event brought together professionals from the biomedical research field at the Barcelona Science Park to discuss the mission, vision and impact of the three platforms of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) to support R&D&I in biomedicine and health sciences, which aim to facilitate the generation and transfer of high quality knowledge within the Spanish National Health System (SNS).

The day began with the institutional opening and presentation of the meeting by Noa Laguna, Deputy Director General of Research in Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine of the ISCIII.

Rosario Perona Abellón, Professor of Research, ISCIII Management Support Unit, then moderated the presentation of the ISCIII platforms by their respective coordinators: Núria Montserrat, Principal Investigator at IBEC, presented the Biomodels and Biobanks Platform (P_ISCIII_BB); Alberto Borobia presented the Clinical Research Support Platform (SCReN); and Lluís Blanch presented the Platform for the Dynamisation and Innovation of SNS Industrial Capacities and their Effective Transfer to the Productive Sector (ITEMAS). These platforms are a set of infrastructures and professionals belonging to different institutions that provide transversal services to support the R&D&I system.

After a break, Josep Samitier Martí, Director of IBEC and Scientific Coordinator of NANOMED Spain, informed the audience about the potential of nanomedicine and the role that NANOMED Spain has played since its creation in linking the Spanish R&D&I system.

Next, Daniel Ruiz Iruela, Deputy Director General for International Research Programmes and Institutional Relations at ISCIII, did a presentation on internationalisation.

The day ended with a round table moderated by Ramón Maspons from the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Assessment (AQuAS), with the participation of the platform coordinators and representatives of the ISCIII, who discussed the convergence of the platforms, the transfer of scientific knowledge to industry and society, and the development of clinical trials.

The event concluded with closing remarks highlighting the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing to advance research and development in biomedicine and health sciences.

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Sarah Moreira