The project eEarlyCare-T held the second "Learning Teaching, Training Activities" , in Burgos


The eEarlyCare-T Project, co-funded by the European Union, which aims to develop materials, virtual learning environments and practical virtual laboratories in the field of early care, held the ‘Learning Teaching, Training Activities -C1 (LTTA-C2)’ at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Burgos. During three days, the project partners discussed the second intellectual products developed.

This project is led by the University of Burgos and has the collaboration of the University of Roma Tre (Italy) and the University of Sveuciliste u Rijeci (Croatia), as well as the Spanish companies Gestionet Multimedia S.L. and Kveloce I+D+i.

The results developed in LTTA-C2 consist of 12 virtual laboratories aimed at the specialisation or training of early childhood care professionals in the 0-6 age group. These laboratories can be carried out in the Virtual Classroom of the Project after registration and are available in Spanish and English, and will soon be available in Croatian and Italian.

The work sessions were developed in a hybrid form, face-to-face and virtual, and followed the dynamics of analysis of the contents and the functionality of use of the virtual laboratories.

During each of the three days, discussion and synthesis sessions were held on the aspects analysed. These laboratories focused on cases of prematurity, maturational delay, communication and language delay, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder, application of eye tracking technology to Early Intervention I and II, application of systematic observation techniques to early intervention settings, application of data mining techniques to early intervention, design of intelligent assistants applied to therapy in early intervention, and a case of brain damage due to herpes encephalitis.

Finally, a final evaluation was made of what had been discussed during the three days. The sessions were coordinated by Dr María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares and Dr Raúl Marticorena Sánchez.

In this LTTA-C2 conference, the coordinator of the project Dr Sáiz Manzanares and the researchers Raúl Marticorena Sánchez, M. Camino Escolar Llamazares, Laura Alonso Martínez, Sandra Rodríguez Arribas and Irene González Díez and the project technician Celia Toribio Casado participated on behalf of the University of Burgos. As well as researchers from the Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia, Dr Darko Roviš and Dr Vanja Vasiljev. Also participating online were UBU researchers Miguel Ángel Queiruga Dios and Carmen Varela Vázquez, and researchers from the Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia, Tomislav Rukavina, Denis Juraga, Lovorka Bilajac, Stjepan Piličić, Ivana Sošić Antunović, Ljiljana Brašnić Matić, Doroteja Vlah, Tea Ljubičić, Zlatko Trobonjača, Tea Vehovec, Sven Maričić and Ena Baus and researchers from the University of Roma Tre, Vincenzo Piccione, Amelia Broccoli, Romina De Cicco, Francesca Angeli, Daniela Giorgetti, Eleonora Grieco and Martina Bianchi.

The Dean of the Faculty, María Ángeles Martínez Martín, welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of the development of research and innovation projects focused on the training and specialisation of Health Sciences professionals in the use of the advances offered by technology and showed the support of the Faculty for these initiatives.

All information on the international dissemination of the project can be found in the following links MEDRI dissemination and Kveloce dissemination.

About eEarlyCare-T

The project ‘Specialized and updated training supporting advance technologies for early childhood’ (eEarlyCare-T) is integrated by researchers from three European universities (University of Burgos, University of Roma Tre (Italy) and Croatian University of Sveuciliste u Rijeci), with the participation of the Spanish companies Gestionet Multimedia S.L. and Kveloce I+D+i. This interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and innovative project focuses on updating the training of practising professionals and new professionals in the field of early childhood care (ages 0-6 years). The training activities will apply innovative teaching methodologies based on the use of different technological resources (avatars, gamification, laboratories and virtual reality). In addition, the entire training process will be carried out within a virtual learning environment (VLE) that will apply different tools that allow the user self-assessment and personalised learning.

More information on the results of the project

Regarding the first intellectual product, an open access book has been produced in Spanish and English, published by the Publications Service of the University of Burgos.

Sáiz-Manzanares, M.C., & Santamaria Vázquez, M. (2024). Formación y Especialización en Atención Temprana: uso de Recursos Tecnológicos y de Inteligencia Artificial. Burgos: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Burgos.

The book can be downloaded free of charge at the following link

Sáiz-Manzanares, M.C., & Santamaria Vázquez, M. (2024). Training and Specialisation in Early Intervention: use of Technological Resources and Artificial Intelligence. Burgos: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Burgos.

The book can be downloaded free of charge at the following link

Regarding the second intellectual product, virtual laboratories, a manual in Spanish and English will soon be available in open access.

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