Presentation: HeLa et al.


I am excited to share the video essay which I have produced during my artistic residency at IBEC Barclelona. Fortunately, my work was facilitated by the working scholarship by Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen (Germany) as well as Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. HELA ET AL. will also show up at the EMBL conference at PRBB Barcelona at the end of April, stay tuned ~

The video essay “HeLa et al.” serves as a contemplation on female and reproductive (parts of) bodies within techno-sciences: Henrietta Lacks´immortal cell line, the cloned sheep Dolly, wombs, eggs and mice show up both as technical components of the scientific realm as well as entities that challenge the notion of the human.

I am very grateful for the artistic contributions by Carlota Flaneur, Lea Matika & Julio César Palacio!

I would also like to express my special thanks to scientists who have provided me with particular support in terms of infrastructure or content-related advise:
Steffen Grosser
Alba Herrero Gómez
Ona Baguer Colomer
Zarina Nauryzgaliyeva
Pilar Lozano

I am happy to announce that my screening will be accompanied by a panel discussion:
Reflections on Gender & Science with Ona Baguer Colomer, Ainhoa Ferret Miñana, Tess Marschner, Marija Matejcic & Ainoa Tejedera Villafranca Inspired by our interdisciplinary exchange, we will reflect on aspects of gender in the production of science. After our input, the audience is cordially invited to get into a conversation with us.

Registration & more Information:

Detalles de contacto
Tess Marschner