EIT Urban Mobility is seeking a service provider who can deliver an impact assessment platform to measure and quantify the impact of its equity portfolio companies. Besides, EIT Urban Mobility Impact Ventures expects the provider to show experience in measuring and assessing impact among other key industry players as well as supporting early-stage start-ups in measuring and reporting their impact.

The impact assessment platform will support EIT Urban Mobility to measure the impact of its investments and contribute to making more informed decisions in the investment process. The following areas should be covered by the impact assessment platform:

  1. Measure the impact of the products and services of the equity portfolio companies considering four impact dimensions: Environment, Society, Health, and Knowledge. The measurement should consider:
    • internal impacts coming from activities happening inside the companies
    • upstream impacts coming from the company’s suppliers and
    • downstream impacts caused when companies and/or consumers use the company’s product or service.
  2. Calculate the net sum of costs and benefits that the company creates.
  3. Calculate the impact dollars/euros per year for each equity portfolio company.
  4. Analyse the alignment of the portfolio companies with the Sustainable Development Goals.
  5. Option to benchmark the portfolio companies:
    • internally and
    • with other public or private companies
  6. Option to benchmark EIT UM with other investors (VC’s, PE, etc).

Check the Request for Proposals here.

To apply, please send the completed and signed Tender´s Submission and Declaration Form.

      Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2024 at 16:00h (CET)