L’Associazione Luca Coscioni co-organizza l’IMCC12 – The 12th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, insieme all‘Università di Bari e all’Italian Society for Medicinal Mushrooms.
La sessione organizzata dall’associazione si terrà il 27 settembre 2024, dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 17.00, presso il Nicolaus Hotel, in Via C.A. Ciasca, 27, a Bari. La partecipazione al congresso è a pagamento, ma è prevista un’agevolazione per i soci ALC. Il Congresso sarà interamente in lingua inglese.
12h International Congress on Medicinal Mashrooms
Special Day on psychedelic mushrooms
in collaboration with Associazione Luca Coscioni
Conference Programme
Friday, 27 Sept 2024
08:30-15:00 Conference Registration Open
09:00-12:55 Congress Hall 1
Session Therapeutic potential of psychedelic mushrooms
(simultaneous translation provided)
Chairpersons: Tania Re (Italy), John Holliday (USA), Omoanghe S. Isikhuemhen (USA)
09:00- 09:45 Psilocybin mushrooms: history, use and identification
Paul Stamets (USA)
09:45-10:15 Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy – How to catalyze the mechanisms of psychotherapeutic action
Daniele Zullino (Switzerland)
10:15-10:35 Ethnomycology and the therapeutic potential of psychedelic mushrooms: Policy and advocacy perspectives
William Goss (USA)
10:35-11:55 End of life: a new training approach
Tania Re (Italy)
10:55-11:15 The use of phenomenology to understand the psychedelic experience induced by psilocybin. New potential applications in research and clinical practice
Antonio Metastasio (Italy), E. Prevete, A. Garofalo, S. Venturini, N. De Pisapia, O. Corazza
11:15-11:35 Neurophenomenology in Tibetan mediation and in psychedelics
Filippo Bosco (Italy), B. Neri, T. S. Re, A. Chiolerio
11.35-11:55 Correlation and complexity of fungal electrome
Alessandro Chiolerio (Italy)
11:55-12:15 Heavenly prospects: Psilocybin-induced death and god encounters compared
Lucas Pawlik (Austria)
12:15-12:35 Exploring the therapeutic potential of psilocybin in neurology
Evan Cole Lewis (Canada)
12:35-12:55 De novo implementation of publicly-funded Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for cancer patients in a palliative care outpatient practice: A Montreal story
Houman Farzin (Canada)
13:00-14:30 Lunch, CASSIOPEA HALL
15:00-17:00 Congress Hall 1
ROUND TABLE: Psychedelics between the right to science and national laws
co-organized with Associazione Luca Coscioni (simultaneous translation provided)
Moderators: Tania Re and Marco Perduca (Italy)
Psilocybin fungi: bridge between life and death
Piero Cipriano (Italy)
The right to science and substances under international control
Giulia Perrone (Italy)
The clinical experiences that do not exist
Mauro D’Alonzo (Italy)
Compassionate therapies at the end of life
Claudia Moretti (Italy)
MAPS in Italy – First Italian conference on psychedelics
Michelle Barocchi (Italy)
Great treatment with psilocybin and Ayahuaca: preliminary results
Alessio Faggioli (Italy)
Conclusions: Marco Cappato, (Italy) Associazione Luca Coscioni
L’Associazione Luca Coscioni è una associazione no profit di promozione sociale. Tra le sue priorità vi sono l’affermazione delle libertà civili e i diritti umani, in particolare quello alla scienza, l’assistenza personale autogestita, l’abbattimento della barriere architettoniche, le scelte di fine vita, la legalizzazione dell’eutanasia, l’accesso ai cannabinoidi medici e il monitoraggio mondiale di leggi e politiche in materia di scienza e auto-determinazione.