shaastra | intervista a stefano boeri | Stefano Boeri Architetti


All’interno del numero intitolato Cities 2050, How They Can Build a Better Future for the Planet della rivista Shaastra, magazine di di scienza e tecnologia dell’Indian Institute of Technology Madras, viene pubblicata un’intervista a Stefano Boeri.

L’articolo intitolato Greening our cities, si concentra sulla forestazione urbana e sui progetti verdi dello studio Stefano Boeri Architetti. Partendo dal Bosco Verticale di Milano, primo esempio di un cambio di paradigma nell’integrazione tra architettura e natura vivente, l’intervista presenta anche altri esempi della tipologia nel mondo e progetti di forestazione urbana a diverse scale.

“We are also working a lot with social housing buildings that are affordable, by adding green facades. I also campaigned for the forestation of cities. With the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), we have promoted the first World Forum on Urban Forests, where we are creating a network of cities that are investing in urban forestry. The goal is to connect all the green and biodiversity hotspots we have in our cities. To do that, we need to substitute parking areas with plants with permeable organic lands. There are many challenges in this — the most important one is about traffic and parking areas. The main challenge is to gradually enhance public transport infrastructure while simultaneously introducing more plants to create biological corridors that connect biodiversity hotspots across cities.” dichiara Stefano Boeri.

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