7 Wonders of the Catholic World (Photo gallery)

Aleteia chooses seven sites that played key roles in Christian history -- and remain places of pilgrimage and prayer to the present day.

You have heard of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Considering the transformative impact that Christianity has had on the world since then, why not choose seven wonders of the Catholic world? Of course, we are well aware that there are many dozens of amazing sites to choose from, if not more. Note that we did not call this list The 7 Wonders”!

Some of our choices would make anyone’s list, but there are others that you may well quibble with. Feel free to add your choices and criticisms in the comments below.

In the meantime, view the photo gallery below to see Aleteia’s 7 Wonders of the Catholic World. And when you are finished, follow the links below for more information about our seven wonders…

Explore the 7 wonders further

Here are some further resources for those who want to delve deeper into our seven wonders…

The House Basilicas of Nazareth:

Where did the Blessed Mother live?

Is this the house where Jesus learned to walk and talk?

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre:

The Holy Sepulchre: Archaeology says the Evangelists were right

Archaeologists discover how old the Holy Sepulchre really is

Vatican City:

Is the Vatican its own country?

A visual guide to the symbols of St. Peter’s Baldachin

20 “Secrets” of the Sistine Chapel

Camino de Santiago:

10 Reasons to walk the Camino de Santiago with your family

A virtual tour of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela that is really worth it–Aleteia


From “Hill of Hell” to “Hill of Paradise”: The Basilica of St. Francis, in Assisi

A pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Francis in Assisi

Chartres Cathedral:

Why every Catholic needs to see Chartres Cathedral

Why are there labyrinths in some cathedrals?

Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Our Lady of Guadalupe’s first apparition on December 9

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe: A stirring American pilgrimage

John Touhey