Anna Aksenova – TwoGreyhounds


Anna Aksenova is a graphic artist. Lives and works in St. Petersburg. In 2024, she graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design (SPbGUPTD) with a degree in Easel Graphics (graphic artist).

From 2019 to 2022, she collaborated with writers and bloggers as an illustrator. Since 2022, she has changed her focus to developing personal projects and exhibitions, working with galleries and clothing brands. 

Participant of group exhibitions, art projects and festivals.

Anna’s works are characterized by the play of lines and spots, high detail, as well as experiments with materials and techniques.

Works with painting, graphics and illustration.

The artist’s works are in private collections in cities in Russia, Canada, Germany and Latvia.


Art is freedom first and foremost. Freedom to express thoughts and feelings, as well as to use different drawing techniques…

In my paintings, I like to create unexpected combinations of materials. For example, combining pencils with watercolors or markers with acrylic… This approach allows you to look at the familiar image of the reality around us in a new way.

The characters in my works are often very emotional, be it people or, for example, dogs… To achieve a certain mood, I use different techniques, from color and tonal contrast to the play of spots and lines. 

I also like to show the feelings and thoughts of the characters in my paintings through symbols and signs. They are the ones that carry a certain message and semantic load in each work.
