Trieste Next and Sharper: three days of science in town


More than 100 events for people of all ages

From 27 to 29 September, the Festival of Scientific Research is back in Trieste with a programme of over 100 events in Italian and English, 300 speakers and great international guests. The 13th edition of Trieste Next is dedicated to ‘The Horizons of Intelligence. Knowledge between human beings and technologies’ and will include the award of the second edition of the Science Book of the Year Prize.

On Friday 27 September the programme is also enriched by the activities organised by Sharper - the European Researchers' Night.

SISSA is once again this year among the promoters of Trieste Next and among the partners of the European Researchers' Night.

During the three days, the School is present with two round tables, an event in collaboration with Scienza e Virgola and a show on particle physics. It is also in Piazza Unità with a joint stand with ICTP, where activities for schools by SISSAforSchools (on Friday morning only) and for people of all ages will take place. See details below.

Trieste Next full programme 
Sharper full programme

All events are free but registration may be required.

Friday 27 (14-22), Saturday 28 (10-22) and Sunday 29 (10-20) September
SISSA space, Piazza Unità

  • Defining intelligence: humans vs animals 
  • Challenge Artificial Intelligence!
  • “Quantum” for tomorrow’s technologies

Friday 27 September

Saturday 28 September

Sunday 29 September

  • 16.30-17.45 In search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (event in Italian)
    Area Talk 2, Piazza Unità - Prenotazione obbligatoria
    With Carlo Baccigalupi, Daniela Billi, Andrea Tabarroni, Alessandro Vietti Chiar: Simona Regina