

  • The Italian master pizza maker, creator of the Pepe in Grani pizzeria in Caiazzo, tonight remained at the top of the fourth international edition of The Best Pizza Awards, organised by The Best Chef Awards.
  • The man was considered to be the best Pizza Chef in the world by the same organisation in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. Second place was taken by Rafa Panatieri & Jorge Sastre, founders of Sartoria Panatieri (Barcelona, Spain), while third place went to Simone Padoan of the pizzeria I Tigli (San Bonifacio, Italy).
  • The main theme of this edition, held at the Spazio Antologico – East End Studios in Milan, was the ‘Future of Pizza’. 
  • Franco Pepe also took part in a ‘Pizza Talk’ in which he shared the stage with Albert Adrià from Enigma (Barcelona, Spain), Jacopo Mercuro from 180Grammi Pizzeria Romana (Rome, Italy), Roberto Davanzo from BOB Alchimia A Spicchi (Montepaone, Italy), and Rafa Panatieri and Jorge Sastre from Sartoria Panatieri (Barcelona, Spain), moderated by the gastronomic journalist Paolo Vizzari. 
  • During the ceremony, the Top100 Pizza was unveiled and a number of special awards were also presented in different categories, such as The Best Pizza Science Award, The Best Pizza Art Award, The Best Pizza Next Award, The Best Pizza Pastry Award, The Best Fried Pizza Award, The Best Pizza Experience Award and The Best Pizza Margherita Award. 
  • The list included pizza masters from 29 countries and 72 cities. The result of The Best Pizza is based on the opinions expressed by the nominees themselves, who vote by selecting ten colleagues in the sector, as well as the preferences of a number of experts from the gastronomic world, whose votes influence the process. 

Milan – 30 September 2024.  Franco Pepe, the master pizza chef and creator of the Pepe in Grani pizzeria in Caiazzo, tonight received the award as the world’s best Pizza Chef at the fourth edition of The Best Pizza Awards, the prestigious international list promoted and organised by The Best Chef Awards, held at the Spazio Antologico – East End Studios in Milan.

Franco Pepe remains at the Top of the The Best Pizza 2024, after being proclaimed the #1 Best Pizza Chef by The Best Chef Awards in 2021, 2022, 2023.

The main theme of the event was the ‘Future of Pizza’ and focused on how technological progress can be combined with sustainable practices. It also highlighted the journey of such an ancient and traditional dish that, over the years, has managed to spread to the farthest corners of the world, adapting itself with versatility to different gastronomic cultures.

The awards were aimed at professionals in the culinary world who contribute to safeguarding local producers, preserving the excellence of the territory in harmony with nature. Second place was taken by Rafa Panatieri & Jorge Sastre, founders of Sartoria Panatieri (Barcelona, Spain), while third place went to Simone Padoan of the pizzeria I Tigli (San Bonifacio, Italy).

Antonio Ruotolo, the Director of The Best Pizza project, stated: “We are thrilled to have experienced an extraordinary event, full of emotions, in which Milan welcomed the best stars of the pizza world. Every year it is an ever-greater pleasure to organise an initiative of this calibre, which continues to grow and provide unique satisfaction. We would like to thank all the participants and professionals for helping to make this edition unforgettable.”

Throughout the day, various activities were organised, such as the ‘Pizza Talks’ in which Franco Pepe shared the stage with Albert Adrià from Enigma (Barcelona, Spain), Rafa Panatieri and Jorge Sastre from Sartoria Panatieri (Barcelona, Spain), Jacopo Mercuro from 180Grammi Pizzeria Romana (Rome, Italy) and Roberto Davanzo from BOB Alchimia A Spicchi (Montepaone, Italy), moderated by the gastronomic journalist Paolo Vizzari. During the talk, the participants exchanged ideas on the Future of Pizza, and Caiazzo’s pizzaiolo expressed that “the future of pizza is not in the pizza itself understood as a product, it is in the training and evolution of the pizzaiolo. Only with the right training can a healthy and digestible pizza be made. Pizza as a product on the plate is a consequence of the work that anticipates what will later reach the end customer”.

Afterwards, four workshops were held in which some professionals presented different varieties of pizza, from the most classic to the most innovative, surprising the guests with unique flavours and respecting the environment. 

During the ceremony, the Top100 Pizza was unveiled and a number of special awards were also presented in different categories, including The Best Pizza Science Award, The Best Pizza Art Award, The Best Pizza Next Award, The Best Pizza Pastry Award, The Best Fried Pizza Award, The Best Pizza Experience Award and The Best Pizza Margherita Award.

With the experience of two generations behind him and inspired by a new vision of pizza, Franco Pepe opened Pepe in Grani on 14 October 2012. Since then, his pizzeria has become a place where experimentation, craftsmanship, hospitality, training and the enhancement of the territory, the flavours and the people of Alto Casertano come together. Pepe in Grani has also recently obtained the highest score in Gambero Rosso’s Pizzerie d’ Italia 2025 guide.

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