We train TR suppliers in sustainability – Técnicas Reunidas


In an environment where sustainability is constantly evolving and being updated, at Técnicas Reunidas we have decided to actively collaborate so that our suppliers can be aware of new sustainable regulations and standards. This will allow them to continue working with us in a manner aligned with sustainability principles. 

For this reason, Técnicas Reunidas has participated in the Sustainable Suppliers program, promoted by UN Global Compact Spain, ICEX Spain Export and Investment, and the ICO Foundation. This program was launched in 2023 and has involved more than 2,000 SMEs that are suppliers to 50 large companies in the program.

We are proud to be part of this initiative that strengthens our supply chain and contributes to global sustainable development. The training, available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, focuses on regulatory adaptation and practical implementation of sustainability in companies and includes informative readings, interactive sessions and opportunities for questions and answers. This approach has led 94% of participating SMEs to rate the program as useful for their company.

During the closing ceremony, awards were given to the companies that participated in the training, including Técnicas Reunidas, who received the award from Raquel Antón, Head of Supply Chain Diligence.

In the words of Cristina Sánchez, executive director of UN Global Compact Spain, “the Sustainable Suppliers program has proven to be a catalyst for change in small and medium-sized enterprises, driving the adoption of the SDGs not only as an ethical commitment, but also as a strategy to improve competitiveness and sustainability in an increasingly demanding global business environment“.

Overall, the program is making a significant impact on the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainability practices in global supply chains. Proof of this is that before their participation in the 2nd edition of the program, 80% of the SMEs were unaware of the SDGs or only knew about them superficially, but after the training, 83% of the SMEs have already incorporated the SDGs and the principles of sustainability into their operations. 
