Hycool_IT at the Digital Twins and Mathematical Simulation event in Madrid | Comet Global Innovation


Great event the 14th of November in Madrid about Digital TWins and Mathematical Simulation, presenting the Hycool-IT EU Project to the audience. Some presentations were especially interesting, like the ones from CERN (Benjamin Sadu, Brad Schofield), European Space Agency – ESA (Remko Moeys) and Cesar De Prada (Universidad de Valladolid). Thank you to EAG (Empresarios Agrupados – GHESA) for the great organization.

Pablo Vicente Legazpi presented the Hycool-IT EU Project as PMO of the Building Digital Twin Association. Digital Twins and Mathematical Simulation serve as powerful tools in modern engineering and system analysis. A Digital Twin is a virtual representation of a physical object, process, or system that can be used for simulation, monitoring, and optimization in real-time. It continuously collects data from its physical counterpart through sensors and IoT devices, enabling accurate predictions and analysis. Mathematical Simulation, on the other hand, involves using mathematical models to replicate real-world systems and predict their behavior. These simulations can range from simple differential equations to complex computational fluid dynamics models

It took place at Fundacion Gómez Pardo. This foundation has been training Mining Engineers for decades.

Mathematical simulation is the core of advanced training simulators at CERN and European Space Agency – ESA, and an essential component of digital twins for operation. We could see many great ideas about cryogenic systems, quite important for Hycool-IT EU Project and for future standardization of simulation components.
