Q1 2024 Activity Update

  • We kicked off a new season of Les Conference de l’INSEAD hosting 3 sessions featuring Professor Ludo Van der Hayden, INSEAD Alumna Georgina Grenon and Hoffmann Fellow Marcos Troyjo. 

INSEAD Professor Ludo Van Der Heyden, spoke about leadership using the example of Napoléon for the conference “Can the leader be just? From Napoléon Bonaparte to nowadays.”

INSEAD Alumna MBA’99J Georgina Grenon, Director of Environmental Excellence for Paris 2024, from the Organizing Committee of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games spoke about "Paris 2024’s Contribution to Sustainable, Social, and Urban Development."

INSEAD Hoffmann Fellow Marcus Troyjo, economist, sociologist, and diplomat, explored the crucial role of emerging economies in shaping the next chapter of globalization.

Over 2000+ INSEAD alumni and friends joined Professors Karel Cool and Atalay Atasu for season 2 of the INSEAD Business Sustainability Series which had 4 webinars focusing on inspiring entrepreneurs and executives who make sustainability and business happen, all using frontier technologies. focus on their use of satellite and IoT, new materials, and AI and GenAI. Guest speakers included Janne Aas-Jakobsen (CEO of Consigli), Michel Van Hoey (MBA’ 02D) (Senior Partner at McKinsey and Head of the New Material Hub) and Stephane Germain (MBA'94J) (CEO at GHGSat, and Winner of the INSEAD Business Sustainability Award 2023)

  • We supported Professor Lite Nartey in bringing Bruno Akpaka to campus to lecture in the MBA core strategy course. 

Professor Lite Nartey brought Bruno Akpaka to guest lecture in her core strategy course. Additionally, they sat down in the studio to discuss how Bruno brought Mobile Money to Ghana for the INSEAD Learning Hub. Bruno also gave a talk to students on financial inclusion.

  • We produced content for the Learning Hub on policy and regulation for the green transition with Professor Hami Amiraslani and guest lecturer Jannik Leiendecker.

Co- lead of BCG’s Center for Sustainability Policy and Regulation Jannik Leiendecker guest lectured in Professor Hami Amiraslani’s elective module ‘Sustainability Measurement and Reporting’. They sat down in the studio to discuss policy and regulation for the green transition for the INSEAD Learning Hub.

  • We co-launched the inaugural P6 Back to Campus: Alumni Programme on Sustainability

The ‘Back to Campus: Alumni Programme on Sustainability’, was an executive education programme designed for INSEAD Alumni who did not have sustainability courses in their MBA curriculum. 20 alumni from MBA cohorts spanning 1990 to 2015 gathered for two immersive days. Participants explored advanced sustainability concepts and practices with esteemed INSEAD faculty, Professors Karel CoolElla Miron-SpektorSubi RanganLucie Tepla and Peter Joos—and global sustainability leaders, including INSEAD Hoffmann Institute Advisory Board members Ngaire Woods, Pavan SukhdevEdouard Janssen and André Hoffmann. The agenda featured vital topics such as sustainable strategy design, inclusive leadership (with a VR-enhanced session), credible sustainability reporting, frameworks for financing the net-zero transition and hands-on workshops. The event was co-organized by INSEAD Executive EducationINSEAD Lifelong Learning and INSEAD Hoffmann Institute

  • We co-organised the Southeast Asian Latin American Dialogues on the Asia Campus with participation from Dr Vinika Rao and Dean of Asia campus Sameer Hasija.

The Latin American Chamber of Commerce (SG), in collaboration with the INSEAD Hoffmann Institute, hosted the Southeast Asian Latin American Dialogues 2024 “Latin America - A Strategic Pivot in the Global Pursuit of Net Zero Carbon Solutions and Food Security” on our Singapore campus.

The SALA Dialogues provided a platform for critical discussions, addressing global challenges with Latin America taking a leading role in developing solutions through global collaboration.

  • We supported several events on and off campus such as and the student run Mental Health Awareness Day on our Europe Campus and the Education Symposium in Singapore with the INSEAD Education Club.

We supported INSEAD’s first edition of the MiM student run Mental Health Awareness Day on INSEAD’s Europe Campus! This event featured a roundtable workshop to exchange insights and a forest run. 

We also supported the ‘Stories of Entrepreneurship: Wrap-Up & INSEAD Summer Start-Up Tour (SSUP!) Celebration!’ a celebration which shared the journeys and insights of INSEAD students from their Summer Start-Up Tours this year with the participation of Professor Paulo Albuquerque. We sponsored three teams in 2024: The Clean Energy Crew, Gia Climate Lab and Emissions Impossible

We partnered with Stewardship Asia to curate the Steward Leadership Asia 2024 awards in Singapore. 

We were a knowledge partner for the Education Symposium in Singapore with the INSEAD Education Club. The symposium, centred around the theme of "Strategic Perspectives for 21st Century Education”, brought together thought leaders, educators, and industry professionals to discuss strategies and trends shaping the future of education across Asia.

We sponsored the INDEVOR and Industry clubs to host a working lunch for students with Aymeric d'Ydewalle, General Manager of Advanced Ceramic Composites at Saint-Gobain. During the discussion with Professor Loïc Sadoulet, D’Ydewalle shared perspectives on sustainability in the manufacturing sector.

  • We attended World Living Soil Forum in Arles, and the student run Africa Business Conference on our Europe campus

World Living Soils, co-organized by Moët Hennessy and INSEAD’s long-standing partners ChangeNOW, was hosted at LUMA Arles, an arts and creative campus merging art and sustainable design in the Camargue region. The second edition of the Forum was organised around 4 streams: regenerative agriculture, soil health, and sustainable business practices. 

The Africa Business conference had several panels discussing topics such as human capital development and the disruptive power of tech. The event also had a keynote “Reimagining economic growth in Africa: Turning diversity into opportunity” delivered by Acha Leke, Chairman of McKinsey's Africa region. 

  • We published our 2023-2024 Annual Report.

Read our 2023/2024 Annual Report showcasing our key achievements.

From hosting the 2nd Annual Business Schools for Climate Leadership Forum to allocating €380,000 in support of 13 impactful research projects, these initiatives are driving meaningful change across INSEAD.
