Regional Perspectives in Economic Complexity: The Role of Scale in Models and Theories
1.Call for papers: September 2024
2.Deadline submission: February 2025 (working paper) max 6.000 words?
3.Selection: March 2025
4.Submission full paper: July 2025
5.Publication of the special Issue: 2026
We invite authors to submit articles that address and answer the following questions
- What is the role of local and regional economic complexity in relation to different economic and non-economic outcomes? Are there differences compared to the country-level literature?
- What is the relationship between the principle of relatedness and spatial scale across different domains of knowledge? Are there substantial differences in the mechanisms of knowledge transmission at different spatial or temporal scales?
- How can micro-level information, such as occupations, skills (Turco & Maggioni 2022), and organizational structure, help us better understand groups, synergies, and skill complementarity within firms?
- At which scales do the processes of diversification and specialization occur? This includes, but is not limited to, spatial, temporal, and cognitive scales (McNerney et al., 2021).
- What are the challenges in building sound EC indicators at different geographical scales with different underlying patterns of specialization/diversification?
- Who are the agents of regional structural change, and what factors promote path creation?
- What factors explain economic complexity, and what is their geography?
- What are the economic mechanisms linking complexity, inequality, and socio-economic sustainability?
- What are the intersections between EC tools and various literatures such as the regional capabilities framework (and EEG) (Frenken et al., 2023; Kogler et al., 2023), the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm (Lawson, 1999; Neffke, 2018), the territorial capital approach (Camagni and Capello, 2012), industrial clusters (Delgado et al., 2014, 2016; Becattini et al., 2014), urban economics (Ellison & Glaeser, 1997, 1999), Evolutionary economics (Dosi & Nelson 1994) and complex adaptive systems (CAS) (Batty, 2009; Martin & Sunley, 2007)?
- What are the major policy implications from a regional perspective? How do these connect to the strategies of related and unrelated diversification?