National Facilities: first projects approved - Human Technopole


16 January 2025

Following the launch of the first pilot call for access in June 2024, over 120 applications were submitted by researchers across Italy interested in accessing Human Technopole’s five National Facilities to pursue their research projects.

Human Technopole’s National Facilities are world-class research facilities operating in the fields of genomics, genome engineering and disease modelling, structural biology, light imaging and data handling and analysis and represent a hub of cutting-edge technologies driving biomedical science. Applications submitted by 31 August 2024 to the first pilot call were reviewed by the Standing Independent Evaluation Committee (SIEC) which scored them based on their scientific merit as: High (Outstanding/Excellent/very Good), Medium (Very good/Good) or Low (Fair Poor).

Of the 41 applications received, the majority (92%) were granted access with almost 70% receiving a very positive score (High) from the SIEC.

At the end of 2024, researchers whose applications were approved for access, met the National Facility staff to discuss their projects and the access agreements were signed, officially kicking off the activity of the National Facilities. In the coming weeks, the experimental phase will start and when required, Users will reach the Human Technopole campus in the MIND area of Milan to physically access the facilities and use the cutting-edge instruments available in the laboratories.

In terms of geographical distribution, around 60% of applications were submitted by research institutes, universities or research hospitals in Northern Italy, while the remaining 40% were respectively from the Centre and the South.

As foreseen in the Convenzione, particular attention was given to applications submitted by researchers who have been appointed as independent group leaders over the past six years. Applications by junior PIs represented around 40% of the applications evaluated during the first round.

The full list of approved projects following the first evaluation round of the 24-PILOT call is available at following link.

The second evaluation round is currently ongoing with new projects to be started in spring 2025.

Access requests can be submitted throughout the year. Calls for access are published on the Human Technopole website and are open to researchers from universities, research hospitals (IRCCS) and public research entities throughout Italy. Each access call will include the full list of services offered by each National Facility, eligibility criteria and technical requirements, evaluation criteria, and scoring system.

In 2025, three calls for access will be published.

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