CUPE 37 Members Reject City of Calgary Wage Package


Matt Sjogren, President of CUPE 37 (City of Calgary outside workers) issued the following statement after employees rejected a contract settlement offer.

Last night, the members of CUPE 37 rejected a memorandum of settlement of 9% wage increases over a three-year period.

This vote sends a strong and clear message to the City of Calgary about the severe impact of inflation on our members.

City employees are facing unprecedented financial challenges. Many are struggling to make ends meet, relying on food banks, and are deeply worried about paying their mortgages and bills. Despite these hardships, employees remain dedicated to their work and the essential public services they provide to the citizens of Calgary.

The work CUPE members do is vital to the functioning of our city. However, the city must understand that employees are stretched thin and can no longer bear the financial strain they are under.

We urge the City of Calgary to recognize and address the urgent needs of their employees.

Thank you for your attention and continued support.

clc/cope 491


Lou Arab, Communications Representative