6° Scuola Estiva AISRe, Milano 2025 – A.I.S.Re – Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali


Download 2025 Aisre Summer School Call

Artificial Intelligence, Globalisation and New Territorial Divides.
Theories and application

9 – 13 June 2025
Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Politecnico di Milano

AISRe is proud to announce its sixth summer school on Artificial Intelligence, Globalisation and New Territorial Divides. Theories and application organized by the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
The first two decades of the new century have been marked by a rapidly changing environment, characterised by radical technological transformations coupled with an altered global landscape and a reorientation of international trade and value chains, in response of the pandemic and of rising geopolitical tension and energy crisis. A recurrent conclusion made by many scholars and commentators is that the combination of these mega-trends has created rather unfavourable conditions for balanced growth and socio-spatial resilience, thus amplifying one of the chief paradoxes of our time: the co-occurrence of powerful technology with increasing inequalities among individuals, social groups, regions and cities. Indeed, the rise of inequalities taking off at the turn of the millennium has been marked by a novel spatial dimension driven by the increasing split between a small group of big, wealthy, resilient and high-income superstar city-regions and the remaining ones, suffering from a mix of stagnating and/or low productivity, limited opportunities and economic development prospects.
The summer school will introduce PhD students and early career researchers to this rich and expanding debate by merging theoretical and empirical perspectives. In particular, the school will propose an overview of the main economic theories analysing the genesis, causes and the persistence of regional and urban divides, by digging into the role of the transformations induced by artificial intelligence and the restructuring of global value chains and exploring the possible policy actions at the regional and urban scales to mitigate the potential expansion of territorial divides.

Organisation of the school
The school is articulated into 5 days from 9 to 13 June 2025 and will be taught in English. Each day will include lecture sessions by expert scholars in the field and paper development sessions, with the following daily timetable:
8.30-10.30: lectures
11.00-13.00: students’ presentations
14.00-16.00: lectures
16.30-18.30: students’ presentations
A Meet the Editors section will be organized with the participation of Andrea Caragliu (Regional Science Policy and Practice), Ugo Fratesi (Spatial Economic Analysis), Balázs Lengyel (Global Challenges and Regional Science), Laura Resmini (Scienze Regionali).

Domenico Scalera (Università del Sannio), Emanuele Felice (IULM), Camilla Lenzi (Politecnico di Milano), Margarita Kalamova (OECD), Nicola Cortinovis (Utrecht University), Giovanni Perucca (Politecnico di Milano), Balázs Lengyel (Corvinus University of Budapestand HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies), Ana Moreno Monroy (OECD), Andrea Conte (EU JRC), Raffaele Paci (Università di Cagliari and CRENOS).

Local scientific and organizing committee
Camilla Lenzi (Coordinator), Roberta Capello, Andrea Caragliu, Silvia Cerisola, Simona Ciappei, Roberto Dellisanti, Elisa Panzera, Giovanni Perucca.
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering.

How to apply
The call is open to PhD students and early career researchers interested in regional science. Applications must be submitted by the 25th of March, 2025 filling out the application form at the link:


Candidates must send:

  1. An updated Curriculum Vitae specifying the candidate’s research experience (Europass format, maximum 5 page);
  2. an extended abstract of their research project, thesis proposal or working paper, clearly specifying: a) state of the art of the literature on the topic; b) research questions and expected contribution of the work; c) methods and data used or foreseen; d) expected or preliminary results (maximum 1000 words);
  3. a motivation letter detailing the reason for application and the candidate’s expectations regarding the school.
  4. ID card and copy of your AISRe membership or RSAI membership.

All files (pdf format) can be upload in the application form.
The selection committee will evaluate the applications based on the documentation submitted.
For further information, please write to summerschool@aisre.it or contact Prof.ssa Camilla Lenzi (camilla.lenzi@polimi.it).
A maximum of 30 candidates will be selected for participation, and they will receive an email notification by 10 April 2025.

The participation fee will be 135 euros. Coffee breaks and lunches are included in the participation fee.
Participants are required to be individual members of AISRe. Individual membership has a cost of 130 Euros, reduced to 65 Euros for young researchers (younger than 35, doctoral students and post-doc researchers). For school registration, you must register on the AISRe website (www.aisre.it) by creating your own user profile. You will find instructions for payment in your personal area. For further information, you may contact AISRe secretariat Diana Sarmiento at segreteria.tecnica@aisre.it.

The 6th AISRe Summer School will take place at the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, Milano.

segreteria Aisre