VITALWISE: Non-invasive vital signs detector. Potential application to DMS




Tiempo de lectura 1 min.



Lugar: Streaming Session
Fechas: 9th of April 2025

In this webinar we will describe VITALWISE, an integrated system developed by IBV for the detection of vital signs (HR, BR, SPO2, BP and T) using non-invasive technology (RGB, NIR camera and Thermographic sensor).

VITALWISE output has the potentiality to be connected with a stress model (in three categories Low/Medium/High) and an emotional model able to estimate the emotion (intensity – AROUSAL and valence – POSITIVE or NEGATIVE).

Nowadays, VITALWISE is a TRL6 and has been tested in the laboratory with promising results for its application in DMS (Driver Monitoring Systems).

Specialized companies, technology centers, and professionals in the autonomous vehicle sector, as well as researchers and developers interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration in the field of Driver Monitoring Systems.

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