Project name: GREEN CAPITAL – Sustainable and green practices for VET centres
Project number: 2023-2-ES01-KA210-VET-000175295
Duration: 01/06/2024 – 30/11/2025
GREEN CAPITAL aims to contribute to several blocks of the European Green
Deal at educational level, and thus contribute to the climate neutrality that is
expected to be achieved by 2050. The project was born from the idea of
taking the example of the cities awarded as European Green Capital and
implementing their good actions in vocational schools.
Objectives of the project
- Raising awareness in teachers and learners, specifically in VET
education, about the current climate crisis. - Engage the educative community in the fight against climate change.
- Promote activities and good practices in VET centres to provide
training in sustainable skills. - Improving skills and providing tools on environmental sustainability
and climate change. - To enable participants, both individual and collectively, to acquire
information on circular economy, climate action and food waste.
To achieve them, the consortium will create:
- One TOOLKIT. Divided in 3 sections:
– Section 1: Theoretical part. Case studies about the winners of
European Green Capital.
– Section 2: Practical part. Tests to evaluate what has been learned in
the previous section.
– Section 3: collection of best practices at European level. - One TRIVIA GAME. To enable students and teachers to complement
the acquired competences with the toolkit. It will consist of a game
board with three categories: circular economy, food waste and climate
change adaptation.
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